
Local Rep Training Dates for 2018

Local Rep Training Dates for 2018

Now that the new year is underway and our membership drive is in effect, we would like to keep improving service to our members by increasing our number of local union representatives. Last year’s trainings were a success and we were able to certify many new local reps, expanding our representation to some departments which previously had none.

This year we have four more trainings scheduled throughout California. The first training will be in San Diego at 600 West Broadway St., on March 22. The second training will be in San Francisco at 455 Golden Gate Ave., on April 27. The third training will be in Riverside, on June 1. The fourth and final training scheduled so far this year will be in Sacramento at the CASE office at 1231 I Street, on June 21.

The trainings will include MOU highlights, the difference between NDI and ENDI, information on disciplinary actions, how to file a claim against the State, and more. If you would like to sign up and become certified as a CASE Local Rep, first fill out an application at, then RSVP for a training at, or on our Facebook events page at

Before becoming a local rep, you must first be a Voting Member. To sign up as a Voting Member go to It is our goal to have local reps in every office of every department that employs our members. Help us reach that goal and apply to be a local rep today.

We encourage our members to stay up-to-date on CASE news and activities by following us on social media and online. We are on Facebook at, Twitter at, LinkedIn at, and our website is at

As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.

#localrep #localunionrepresentative #training #RSVP #VotingMembers #membershipdrive

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