June 14, 2023 Supervisory Update

Keeping you up-to-date on our work to increase your salary, improve and protect your benefits, and aggressively represent your professional interests in every forum where they are at stake.


NDI-Family Care Leave Starts July 1. We’re just a few short weeks from the roll-out of NDI-Family Care Leave for rank-and-file CASE Members- a first-of-its-kind paid family leave benefit, with no cost to employees. Supervisors and Managers have access to this benefit as well. We thought it might be a good time to review the details:

  • NDI-FCL is only available if you are enrolled in the Annual Leave program (rather than Vacation/Sick leave). You can change between leave programs only once every 24 months.
  • NDI-FCL provides two types of leave benefit:
    • Bonding Claims – time to bond with a child newly arrived via birth, adoption, or foster placement. 
    • Care Claims – time to care for an ailing family member.
  • NDI-FCL provides up to 6-weeks of partial wage replacement (50%) that can be supplemented with leave credits to 75% or 100% wage replacement. The benefit can be in whole-day increments, non-consecutively, up to 42 days total in a 12-month period. 
  • For your rank-and-file subordinates: if they have recently welcomed a new child to their home, they can use NDI-FCL during the first year of the child’s arrival, starting July 1.

CalHR has released a full FAQ on the program available here. If you have questions, contact CASE staff.

Just in Time for Summer: Expanded Consumer Discounts. We’re happy to announce a new partnership with Working Advantage that gives CASE members access to even more discounts at even more locations in California, across the country, and via online vendors.Working Advantage offers discounts on: electronics, appliances, fitness memberships, hotels, movie tickets, rental cars, special events and theme parks. Major brands include: Disneyland, Apple, and Marriott Hotels. To sign up, visit the Working Advantage website, select “Become a Member” and enter the company code: CASE


News of interest to CASE legal professionals:


CASE Special Board Meeting, Friday, June 23 at 12:00pm. Pursuant to the CASE Policy File, the Board invites members to attend or to provide comments related to a proposal to increase CASE Dues by $5 to a total of $65 per month. CASE has only raised dues once in the past 20 years, and this small increase is needed as a result of inflation and to continue expanding programs and services for members, building on CASE’s growth over the past year. CASE is still a great value: dues will remain the second lowest of all the State bargaining units.

Professional Development Days – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em. CASE Supervisors and Managers Members receive 2 professional development days each year. Unlike other types of leave that can rollover from year to year, your PDDs expire each fiscal year on June 30. You can check to see how much PDD time you have on the books to use up by referring to the Leave Balances box in your CalConnect Account. Unlike other leave balances which get lower with use, the “TRNG/DEV” line item that reflects PDD use counts up with usage. If the number in the far right box is less than 16, then you have PDD time to use.

Baseball Games are almost sold out! We have just a handful of tickets left for the following games in San Francisco, Fresno, and Anaheim. Get yours today!

  • NEXT WEEK! Tuesday, June 20 – San Francisco Giants ONLY 7 TICKETS LEFT!
  • Thursday, July 20 –  Fresno Grizzlies 
  • Wednesday, August 9 – LA Angels ONLY 8 TICKETS LEFT!

Tickets and details are available here (password: caseball2023

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