
March 29, 2023 CASE Files

Keeping you up-to-date on our work to increase your salary, improve and protect your benefits, and aggressively represent your professional interests in every forum where they are at stake.


OPEB Rates Set to Lower on July 1. Article 14.7 of the CASE MOU sets a formula for the calculation of employee contributions towards “other post-retirement benefits” – your healthcare costs in retirement. As part of the most-recent contract negotiations, CASE secured a limit to the amount those costs can increase in any given year. But, those costs can decrease as well and we’re pleased to announce that effective July 1, 2023, your OPEB contribution rate will be reduced from 1.7% to 1.4%. The .3% savings will result in a modest increase in take home pay and will coincide with the July 1, 2023 general salary increase of 3%.

State Bar Committee Applications Now Open. The State Bar announced last week opportunities to apply for appointments to the California Board of Legal Specialization, the Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation, the Committee of Bar Examiners, and more. Most committees have positions available for both lawyers and non-lawyers. To learn more about each committee, visit the State Bar’s committees webpage. To apply, visit the State Bar website


News of interest to Unit 2 legal professionals:


Board of Administration Recap. The CalPERS Board of Administration met in person on Monday, March 13, through Wednesday, March 15, at the fund’s Sacramento Headquarters. Among the significant matters the 12-member board (one empty seat is pending gubernatorial appointment) addressed were:

  • The Proxy & Corporate Engagement program that aims to ensure CalPERS’ funds are producing sustainable, long-term, risk-adjusted returns.
  • Health Maintenance Organization and Pharmacy services to members.
  • Senate Bill 252, which would require that state agencies like CalPERS make no new investments in fossil fuel companies and divest existing investments in fossil fuel companies by July 30, 2030. (The CalPERS board opposes the measure.)

CalPERS posts all of its public meetings on its YouTube page with transcripts. You can view those videos via this link. The meeting’s agenda is here

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