CASE Wants You
to become a local union representative!
To become a local rep, please fill out the application form or contact our office. After your application is processed, you must attend a training to become certified.

Upcoming Local Rep Training
Due to COVID-19, CASE Local Representative trainings are currently being conducted via Zoom. If you are a CASE Member and would like to attend training via Zoom, please please fill out the application form. You must register in advance to attend training.
What is a Local Union Representative?
CASE Local reps are volunteer liaisons who serve an integral role in ensuring CASE Members are informed and engaged. Local Reps are the eyes & ears in the workplace, the local voice for CASE, the welcome wagon for newly hired employees, and first responders connecting Members with workplace concerns to CASE’s expert labor relations staff :
What legal rights do I have as a local rep?
Representation Activity
The state recognizes and agrees to deal with CASE representatives on all matters relating to bargaining, unit grievances and appeals to the State Personnel Board (SPB). An employee and a CASE local representative shall be authorized a reasonable amount of time off during work hours without loss of compensation (consistent with workload requirements) to prepare and present grievances and claims and appeals before SPB. CASE local representatives may be required to notify their immediate supervisors and obtain approval regarding the time of day for conducting such activities.
A. With prior notification to the official in charge of the area to be visited, CASE local representatives shall have access to bargaining unit employees at the work site for representation purposes. Access shall not be disruptive.
B. The department head or designee may restrict access to certain work sites or areas for reasons of safety, security, or other legitimate business necessities. Access shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The above activities are protected by the State Employer-Employees Relations Act. If you believe the rights of CASE local representatives have been violated, contact the CASE Office at 1-800-699-6533.