Welcome to this week’s CASE Files, part of our commitment to keep you up-to-date on our work to increase your salary, improve and protect your benefits, and to aggressively represent your interests in every forum where your employment and professional interests are at stake.
ALJ Pay Letters. CalHR recently issued pay letters marking the completion of an ALJ class consolidation project. The class consolidation abolishes most “department specific” ALJ classifications, consolidating them into generic ALJ class series. Additionally, ALJ I and II classes have been consolidated into one ALJ class with an A and B range. Each department now must key individual changes into their payroll systems to allow our members to take advantage of the upward mobility allowed by the consolidation. Anyone who has been at the ALJ I level for at least 12 months (including former WCJs) are now eligible to receive a range change to ALJ Range B (equivalent to the old ALJ II salary level), which for most members should be a 5% increase.
Regardless of when they are keyed, any salary increases owed due to the consolidation will be retroactive to February 1, 2022. See the CalHR Pay Letters here.
Organ Donor Leave. April is National Donate Life Month, a time to raise awareness about organ donation and to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors and to honor those who have given the gift of life through organ donation. CASE MOU Article 9.17 provides Organ Donor Leave to all Unit 2 employees. The Article provides an employee up to 30 days to an employee who is an organ donor for the purposes of donating an organ to another person and up to 5 days to any employee who is a bone marrow donor, subject to certain requirements, such an exhaustion of available sick leave. To learn more about National Donate Life Month and organ donation, click here. Questions about Organ Donor Leave? Contact CASE.
Special Power of Attorney. A CalPERS special power of attorney allows you to designate a representative or agent, known as your attorney-in-fact, to conduct your retirement affairs. Should you become unable to act on your own behalf, that person can perform important duties concerning your CalPERS business, such as address changes, tax-withholding elections, and beneficiary designations.
The CalPERS special power of attorney is specifically designed for active and retired CalPERS members and beneficiaries. You may already have a power of attorney, but it may not address your CalPERS retirement benefits. If your power of attorney document does not contain a durability clause, CalPERS cannot honor it if you become incapacitated.
For more information, please read “A Guide to CalPERS Special Power of Attorney (PBU 30)” and “CalPERS Special Power of Attorney (PERS-OSS-138),“ which is the form to file with the fund. This CalPERS video also provides a brief overview.
Protecting Your Rights. Any time you are called to answer questions, the answer to which might lead to discipline, you have the right to have a representative present. What should you do if someone is asking you questions that give you cause for concern? If you’re a member, call CASE before the questioning starts or ask to take a break if questions start in the midst of a meeting with a supervisor or manager. You have the right to know the subject of any meeting and the right to consult with a CASE representative before the meeting to get advice. CASE can only help you, however, if you’re a member. Apply today.
For now, CASE Files will continue to be delivered weekly to all Unit 2 employees, but our Bargaining Updates are delivered only to Members. Stay informed on the important decisions that will impact your salary and benefits by joining CASE today. Apply here.