Dear Administrative Law Judge:
CASE is pleased to announce that it has once again secured an important victory for members at the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. The attached arbitration award makes clear that the State violated section 4.3 of the 2016-2019 Unit 2 Memorandum of Understanding when it increased the caseload of Field Operations and Appellate Operations under section 13.16 of the MOU from November 14, 2016 and November 7, 2017 respectively, without notice or meeting and conferring with CASE upon its request or providing ALJs additional decision days. CUIAB has been ordered to reduce the caseload to the prior levels before implementation of the caseload increases in 2016 and 2017 and to meet and confer over any changes to that caseload.
At this time, CalHR has notified CASE that CUIAB will comply and reduce caseloads to the 2016 and 2017 levels beginning on August 5, 2019 as the current calendars have already been disseminated.
The arbitration decision will likely have an impact on bargaining proposals by both sides regarding Side Letter #2 and changes to caseloads. CASE is still in the process of evaluating the decision, its effect on our members, and the best options for the future. If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Regan at
CASE would like to continue fighting for the rights of our Administrative Law Judges at CUIAB but we need all non-voting members to join your colleagues as Voting Members in supporting our ongoing litigation and bargaining efforts. If you are already a Voting Member, thank you for your support! If you are not, please complete and submit the attached application to become a CASE Voting Member today.
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CASE also encourages you to send responses from your personal email address as opposed to your state email address. Please keep in mind that all responses will be treated as confidential by CASE.
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors