Dear Member of Bargaining Unit 2:
As you know, in his budget proposal, Governor Newsom proposed a 10% salary cut to employee pay through two furlough days that would be agreed to through bargaining or imposed through legislation. We have heard ideas and concerns from many of you about this proposal. We are continuing to get details about the Governor’s proposal and have included an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
As we announced the day that the Governor proposed the furloughs, CASE is strongly opposed to furloughs because they are counter-productive and in some cases are prohibited by law. Furloughs hurt the State by taking critical workers off the front lines, hurt the economy by reducing money that state employees would otherwise spend on local businesses, and actually reduce state revenue where employees are paid by special fees or outside funding sources.
The legislature and Governor are currently engaged in negotiations to reconcile their differing approaches to the budget deficit caused by COVID-19. The CASE Board of Directors is working hard as part of those negotiations to find other solutions to the budget issues that do not hurt state employees and harm the state’s economy. We will be sending further emails as soon as we have additional information that we can share with you.
This email may not reach all CASE members. Accordingly, CASE encourages you to pass this email along to any of your colleagues who may not have received it. If you are not receiving CASE emails and wish to receive future communications from CASE, please send an email to and request to be added to the distribution list. CASE also encourages you to send responses from your personal email address as opposed to your state email address. Please keep in mind that all responses will be treated as confidential by CASE.
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors