In May, CASE informed you of our court victory on maintaining the CoBen Cash benefit for our members who have health coverage through Tricare; a program available to military members, veterans, and their dependents. The court ruled in our favor on June 6, 2017, and the State has not filed an appeal within the deadline.
Thank you to our members who have contacted us regarding the absence of their CoBen Cash because of their Tricare coverage. If you are a member that stopped receiving CoBen Cash because you have Tricare and you have not yet notified us, please contact CASE by noon on July 21, 2017 with your name and the department you work for, by sending an email to Monica Miner, CASE Labor Relations Representative at .
This email may not reach all CASE members who receive coverage through Tricare. Accordingly, CASE encourages you to pass this email along to any of your colleagues who may not have received it. If you are not receiving CASE emails and wish to receive future communications from CASE, please send an email to and request to be added to the distribution list.
We thank you for your continued support and if you are not already a Voting Member of CASE, we encourage you to join today:
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors