We are very pleased to announce this year’s OPEN ENROLLMENT for Universal Life-Long Term Care Insurance for all CASE Voting Members. Open enrollment will be from July 8, 2019 through July 17, 2019. Attached you will find information on the benefits of Universal Life-Long Term Care Insurance and a rate chart. The Open Enrollment period closes in less than two weeks so please send your application in right away.
As a special benefit for CASE members, this year’s open enrollment will not require traditional medical screening, just fill out the one-page medical questionnaire (see attached) and email it to Nancy Bond at nancy@nancybondinsurance.com for a quote on various levels of Universal Life-Long Term Care insurance (depending on your answers there might be follow up questions). If you have any questions you may contact Nancy Bond at (800) 685-4519.
You must be a CASE Voting Member to obtain this benefit. If you are not a Voting Member, please join today. Attached you will find a membership application; once you have completed the application please email it to info@calattorneys.org or fax it to (916) 669-4199.
This email may not reach all CASE members. Accordingly, CASE encourages you to pass this mail along to any of your colleagues who may not have received it. If you are not receiving CASE emails and wish to receive future communications from CASE, please send an email to info@calattorneys.org and request to be added to the distribution list.
CASE also encourages you to send responses from your personal email address as opposed to your state email address. Please keep in mind that all responses will be treated as confidential by CASE.
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
Sincerely,The CASE Board of Directors
Trustmark Universal Life Insurancewith Long-Term Care