Dear Non-voting Member of Bargaining Unit 2:
You are being sent this email because our records show that you are not currently a Voting Member of CASE. We would like to have your voice heard in future contract votes and board elections. Due to COVID-19, the CASE Board of Directors is extending the time to become a CASE Voting Member and be eligible to vote in CASE elections. If you become a CASE Voting Member now, you can still vote in the October 2020 CASE Board of Director Elections. Please submit the attached membership application to by Wednesday, September 30, 2020 to gain the right to vote. Now more than ever, it is critical for you to have a say in the terms and conditions of your employment.
CASE is also currently offering to all Bargaining Unit 2 members a rare open enrollment period for Long Term Disability and Life Insurance through “The Standard” with no medical underwriting. You must be a CASE Voting Member to participate in CASE offered benefits.
The GUARANTEE ISSUE limit for LIFE INSURANCE is $200,000. If someone wishes to apply for more than $200,000, THEN they need to complete the Medical History Statement form. Even if a person is declined due to health reasons for more than $200,000, they will STILL keep the $200,000 coverage. For Long Term Disability Insurance, you can choose income replacement of 50%, 60% or 65% of your monthly gross salary. Benefits are paid to you Tax Free.
Both of these plans are completely portable, so even if you leave state service, you can keep your low rates and coverage.
Please take advantage of this rare opportunity and send your completed enrollment form to right away and no later than October 15, 2020 for an effective date of November 1, 2020. Payment is made via payroll deduction. If you have any questions about the coverage or your eligibility, please email and you will receive a reply within 24 hours.
This email may not reach all Bargaining Unit 2 members. Accordingly, CASE encourages you to pass this email along to any of your colleagues who may not have received it. If you are not receiving CASE emails and wish to receive future communications from CASE, please send an email to and request to be added to the distribution list. CASE also encourages you to send responses from your personal email address as opposed to your state email address. Please keep in mind that all responses will be treated as confidential by CASE.
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors