Dear Bargaining Unit 2 Members:
We have heard from some of you that human resource and time-keeping personnel are asserting that PLP 2020 hours must be used before all other types of leave except sick leave. CASE has confirmed that all legal professionals in Bargaining Unit 2 have the discretion of whether to use their PLP 2020 hours before or after other types of leave. Management does not have the authority to require that PLP 2020 be used before other types of leave. The Side Letter Agreement includes language that PLP 2020 “should be used in the month earned if possible,” however, that is left to the discretion of the employee, not the employer. You will still need to request taking PLP 2020 in the same way you request vacation/annual leave.
You may also use your 5 Professional Development Days before using PLP 2020. That may be your preferred course because PDD days expire each year and PLP 2020 hours do not expire and will be paid upon separation from employment.
If your July Form 634 was changed by your department to deduct your PLP 2020 hours and that was not your wish, you should request that it be changed back to reflect the leave you wished to use. If you have any questions or need any help and are a Dues Paying Voting Member of CASE, please feel free to contact us at
Additionally, the 640-hour leave accrual cap increases by 16 hours each month that PLP 2020 is imposed. If PLP 2020 continues for the full two years, the new cap will be 1,024 hours until June 30, 2025. Your department can continue you on a leave reduction plan if you are over the limit, however, PLP 2020 hours are not considered in your total leave balance for purposes of the leave cap.
If you are not a Dues Paying Voting Member of CASE, please consider joining the majority of your colleagues in CASE as we continue our work to improve the salaries and working conditions for all state-employed legal professionals. In the current economic environment, it is more important than ever that we work together to protect our rights.
This email may not reach all CASE members. Accordingly, CASE encourages you to pass this email along to any of your colleagues who may not have received it. If you are not receiving CASE emails and wish to receive future communications from CASE, please send an email to and request to be added to the distribution list. CASE also encourages you to send responses from your personal email address as opposed to your state email address. Please keep in mind that all responses will be treated as confidential by CASE.
As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors