This special edition CASE FILES with important collective bargaining updates is going out to all Unit 2 legal professionals. There will be no separate Bargaining Report this week.
The Board and Bargaining Team thank you for your patience so far as we’ve continued to keep the pressure on CalHR to respond to the many proposals we have offered them to improve the retention and recruitment of the best and brightest legal minds in California. The CASE Board wants you to know where things stand now, because we need your help for what comes next.
CASE presented its initial economic offer covering salaries and benefits to CalHR on April 26. Finally, after 44 days, CalHR responded last Thursday with a woefully low offer that ignored the economic reality in which CASE members live and the hiring- and retention-challenged offices in which they work. The CASE Bargaining Team acted quickly to provide a counter offer and the teams met again on Friday, requesting equally swift action from CalHR. At CASE’s insistence, the parties met on Saturday, June 11 to receive from CalHR a still inadequate salary proposal.
The news is not entirely dire. The State stands ready to implement a long overdue paid family leave benefit that, while not as comprehensive as deserved by Unit 2 professionals, would be a vast improvement over the nothing they currently provide. But CalHR’s current overall economic offer is simply not enough. Their offer fails to match even their own, flawed salary lag figure of 11.7%. It certainly doesn’t come close to matching the 30%+ lag between you and your public sector peers.
Below is a chart that tracks the parties’ movement so far – it’s important that you know what we’re fighting for as the time draws short for securing a new MOU before the expiration of the current agreement on June 30. (Click here to enlarge) The Bargaining Team expects to be back at the table this week and will continue to press CalHR for a deal that values you and the important work you do on behalf of the public.
What can you do to help the cause? A lot. Here is where we start – and depending how long negotiations continue, there will likely be more soon.
- Take our Member Action Survey: Now that CASE and CalHR have made their respective economic proposals, the time for collective action is imminent. We need your input on the actions in which you’re most likely to participate because there’s no point in planning a party if no one will attend.
- Help us answer the question: What does California lose if it loses you? It’s vital that the people of California – and leaders in Sacramento – understand what you do for them. Our fight isn’t just about improving your salary and benefits so you can better provide for your families and future. Our fight is about preserving California’s values – protecting natural resources, enhancing opportunity, and more. Share your story today.
Today’s special edition CASE files was sent to all Unit 2 legal professionals. But future Bargaining Reports and, eventually, ballots to vote on the next MOU, will go only to CASE Members. Join today.