
June 27, 2024 CASE Files

CASE Testifies at the Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC), Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, and Senate Labor Public Employment and Retirement Committee Hearing. Last Thursday, June 20, CASE was present and offered testimony at the joint hearing of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee and the Assembly and Senate Labor Committees, which was called to discuss the findings and recommendations of the report out of the California Labor Commissioner’s Office titled, “Inadequate Staffing and Poor Oversight Have Weakened Protections for Workers.” Also present at this hearing was the California State Auditor, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, the California Labor Commissioner, and other key stakeholders.

CASE first acknowledged and thanked those at the California State Auditor, the JLAC, and the Senate and Assembly Labor Committees for calling this hearing and working on these issues. Here is a portion of CASE’s testimony, presented by Dean Grafilo, who is lobbying these issues on CASE’s behalf: “CASE has known long before this report and appreciate corroboration by the state auditor that inadequate staffing is the primary reason for delays at LCO and as equally important this is directly tied to poor compensation for CASE Membership and inefficient hiring practices at LCO. I’ll underscore, at its core, a path of creative problem solving must include: increased staffing, increased compensation and improved hiring practices. Whether this means geographic, or retention pay strategies, improving safety in the field, or case load caps, CASE members stand ready to partner with the Legislature, Cal-HR and the Governor’s Office to get on such a path that will best serve each and every Californian.” 

California State Budget Update. On June 22, a three-party agreement was reached between the Governor, the Senate Pro Tempore, and the Speaker of the Assembly regarding the 2024 State Budget. However, this agreement is not finalized, as the Governor has yet to sign the budget bills into law. With that said, this current agreement contains two notable, positive outcomes for CASE members. First, AB 171 / SB 171 gives the Department of Industrial Relations the ability to expedite and streamline hiring processes. Second, this budget agreement does not include the elimination of the telework stipend.

CASE Awards Five Academic Scholarships. CASE recently awarded five $1,000 academic scholarships to members or their dependents. These awards honor applicants who are currently in a career, or plan to pursue a career, in government or another form of service supporting the common good, or applicants who can demonstrate meaningful commitment to serving others by participation in service-oriented academic pursuits, volunteer, or community service. This week, we highlight scholarship recipient, Elana Gelfer-Mundl (pictured below).

June 27, 2024 CASE Files

CASE scholarship recipient Elana Gelfer-Mundl recently graduated as valedictorian from her high school and is excited to be on her way to the University of California San Diego this fall. At UCSD she plans on studying Literature due to the powerful effect reading and writing have had on her life.  While she still has several years of undergrad ahead of her, Ms. Gelfer-Mundl is already thinking about her future career goals, which are inspired by her desire to help people. To that end, she is interested in working in the Department of Developmental Services where she could focus on ensuring that all individuals receive equal opportunities.

2024 Special Salary Adjustments Take Effect. With the arrival of the new fiscal year on July 1, the maximum salary range of all Unit 2 classifications except Attorney level III classifications (see class codes identified in below) will increase by 4.5%.  Employees who have been at the current maximum for 12 qualifying pay periods or more shall be moved to the new maximum of the range. All other employees shall retain their salary and salary anniversary dates.

Also effective July 1, the maximum salary range of the Attorney level III classifications (see classifications below) will increase by 10%:

·              5795 Attorney III

·              5706 Deputy Attorney General III

·              5789 Deputy Attorney III, Caltrans

·              6180 Industrial Relations Counsel III (Specialist)

·              5812 Public Utilities Counsel III, CPUC

·              5537 Real Estate Counsel III (specialist)

·              6274 Senior Board Counsel, ALRB

·              6115 Senior Fair Employment and Housing Counsel (Specialist)

·              6733 Tax Counsel III (Specialist)

·              5763 Deputy State Public Defender Range C (only)

·              6204 Sr. Commission Counsel (Specialist) FFPC

Employees who have been at the current maximum for 12 qualifying pay periods or more shall be moved to the new maximum of the range. All other employees shall retain their salary and salary anniversary dates.

We expect to see the increase reflected in the pay you receive for time worked in July, issuing on or about August 1. We will continue to monitor CalHR and the State Controller’s work to implement the raises through required pay letters. 

Note: The SSA’s effective on July 1 will allow employees who have not been at the maximum of their pay scale for the last 12 months, to receive their MSA on their regular anniversary date. MSAs are generally a 5% increase but cannot exceed the top of the pay scale.

Update on the WCJ Grievance. As to the former WCJ classification, an arbitrator has been selected with regards to grievance for the retroactive 4.5% raise for the period of July 2023 to February 2024. Until there is a resolution or decision as to this grievance, the next 4.5% raise will not begin until February 2025. As the arbitration proceeds forward, CASE will keep you updated.

Professional Development Days – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em. CASE Members receive professional development days (PDD) each year. Unlike other types of leave that can rollover from year to year, your PDDs expire each fiscal year on June 30. You can check to see how much PDD time you have on the books by referring to the Leave Balances box inyour CalConnect Account. Unlike other leave balances which get lower with use, the“TRNG/DEV” line item that reflects PDD use counts up with usage. If the number in the far-right box is less than 40, then you have PDD time to use.

MOU Suggestion Box. While we are a year away from the next round of bargaining, it’s never too soon to collect ideas for future negotiations. You have access to our MOU Suggestion Box, a place for members – and ONLY members – to contribute ideas for new or improved benefits and MOU terms at any time. We are, of course, aware of the need for the Governor to address continuing salary lags (both within the unit and between state service and local government jobs), so we are hoping to collect your ideas on non-salary MOU items. To complete a suggestion card, click here. (pw: membersmatter22).


Tracking Return-to-Office Mandates. Your feedback on the impact of return-to-office mandates is invaluable in helping CASE prepare to meet and confer with departments and agencies as well as preparing grievances and for arbitration as necessary. Consider sharing the impact of the proposed policy changes with us via this form

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