Dear Member of Bargaining Unit 2:
The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in some policy changes that may have an impact on your ability to participate in leave buyback and in getting a paper record of your check if you have direct deposit.
Leave Buyback
The Department of Finance has announced that all departments should not participate in the leave buyback program this year due to the fiscal impact of the COVID-19 crisis. The leave buyback program has never been mandatory for any department and they have the discretion of whether or not to participate. As a result, it is unlikely that we will be able to compel departments to participate this year even if that was their intention. However, we are seeking clarification from CalHR and Finance about any flexibility for departments as well as flexibility for individual employees who are facing financial hardships due to COVID-19.
Pay Warrants / Direct Deposit
In response to COVID-19, the State Controller’s Office (SCO) has begun suspending the printing of Direct Deposit receipts for Departments with access to Cal Employee Connect (CEC). The following departments currently have access to Cal Employee Connect:
Department (Agency Codes)
Department of State Hospitals (437, 455, 456, 461, 480, 487, 502) Employment Development Department (280, 282) Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (279) EDD Training Panel (281) Franchise Tax Board (564) Department of Justice (419, 420, 423) State Compensation Insurance Fund (402) CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration (291) CalPERS (275, 276) CalSTRS (815) Department of Industrial Relations (400) Water Resources Control Board (880) Department of Food and Agriculture (014, 018 only) State Controller’s Office (051) CA Public Utilities Commission (680) Department of Insurance (412, 413) Office of Emergency Services (163) Lottery (358)
Employees may access their earnings and deductions electronically in CEC by visiting Employees enrolled in the Direct Deposit Program may also download copies of their Direct Deposit receipts from CEC.
This change will remain in place through the Governor’s State of Emergency, after which SCO will resume the printing of all Direct Deposit receipts for all employees enrolled in the Direct Deposit Program. Should you have questions or need assistance, please contact
Other Departments
For all departments not listed above, there will be no change. SCO will continue to print live warrants for these departments and disburse them as usual.
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As always, your support of CASE and your colleagues in Bargaining Unit 2 is greatly appreciated.
The CASE Board of Directors