Keeping you up-to-date on our work to increase your salary, improve and protect your benefits, and aggressively represent your professional interests in every forum where they are at stake.
Professional Development Days – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em. CASE Members receive 5 professional development days each year. Unlike other types of leave that can rollover from year to year, your PDDs expire each fiscal year on June 30. You can check to see how much PDD time you have on the books to use up by referring to the Leave Balances box in your CalConnect Account. Unlike other leave balances which get lower with use, the “TRNG/DEV” line item that reflects PDD use counts up with usage. If the number in the far right box is less than 40, then you have PDD time to use. In the illustration below, the Member has used all 5 PDDs.
News of interest to CASE legal professionals:
- State Attorney General To Review Shooting Death Of Banko Brown – SF Gate
- Walmart to pay California $500K in settlement over sale of brass knuckles – ABC News 7
- California sued over law that holds industry responsible for harm caused by guns Courthouse News
REMINDERSBaseball Games are almost sold out! We’re excited about the tremendous response for our first ever summer social series. Don’t delay on grabbing the last few tickets available. CASE Members and their families are invited to join us at games from Sacramento to San Diego. Here’s the schedule:

- Tuesday, June 20 – San Francisco Giants (vs. SD Padres) 6:45pm
- Wednesday, June 28 – Sacramento River Cats (vs. Reno Aces) 6:45pm
- Thursday, July 20 – Fresno Grizzlies (vs. Modesto Nuts) 6:50pm
- Tuesday, July 25 – San Diego Padres (vs. Pittsburgh Pirates) 6:40pm
- SOLD OUT! Wednesday, August 2 – Los Angeles Dodgers (vs. Oakland As) 7:10pm
- Wednesday, August 9 – LA Angels (vs. SF Giants) 6:38pm
Tickets and details are available here (password: caseball2023).
CalHR Issues Consolidation Project Pay Letters. CalHR on Monday issued two pay letters related to the ongoing Attorney/DAG class consolidation and update project. You can review the letters here and here. The letters provide direction to the State Controller and Departments regarding the abolishment of specified classes, movement of employees in those classes to update classes, and, for many classes, include very small pay increases (in the $4-$14 range) to appropriately align the pay scales of newly revised classes. The updated classifications and salaries take effect June 1, 2023. At that time, Attorney I/DAG I (and related classes) who have been receiving the 5% pay differential under the February Side Letter will officially be moved into their new salary ranges as well and the differential will cease.
While Departments have been directed to key the necessary changes to their payroll systems to ensure timely updates as of June 1, it is possible it may take a cycle or two to see the changes reflected in your regular monthly pay warrant.
Attorney/DAG Exams Update. The June 1 effective date of the Attorney/DAG class consolidation and classification update project is quickly approaching. In preparation for the implementation of revised classification minimum qualifications and other changes to the exam process, exams for Attorney and DAG classes will be temporarily offline from May 25 until the updated exams are released on June 1. We encourage everyone to check their current list eligibility now and after June 1 via the CalCareers website to confirm what lists you may still be on and what exams you may need to retake. For more information on what the changes to exams mean for you, please see the consolidation project FAQ on the CASE Website. (password: membersmatter22)