
September 25, 2024 CASE Files

Mortgage Assistance for CASE Members. CASE members can secure mortgage assistance, including lender credits of up to 0.5%, for home loans and refinancing. Other lender programs, including first-time home buyer discounts, are available. Lenders, including LoanDepot and Arnaz Financial, work with multiple institutions to find the best rates available.

For more information visit the CASE Member Benefits page on the CASE Website. (pw: membersmatter22)

Open Enrollment. The state’s Open Enrollment for health care, vision and dental coverage is now open and closes October 11, 2024. The CoBen amounts for 2025 are as follows:

· Single (1) $851

· Two-Party (2) $1689

· Family (3+) $2204

Health Benefits: Information may be found at

Dental Benefits: Information may be found at

Vision Benefits: Information may be found at

CoBen Cash: If you have health care through another qualifying source and wish to receive CoBen Cash, this form needs to be submitted to your department: This form must be submitted every year during open enrollment if you are electing CoBen Cash.

New Member Benefit: OneRep. As part of CASE’s commitment to providing the most value for your membership, CASE is now offering an online privacy protection benefit for our members. The company CASE hired to manage this new benefit is OneRep, a company that scrubs users’ private information from over 190 online search engines. CASE has secured the benefit at no cost to our members. OneRep also offers a family plan. You should have received an invitation from One Rep on September 9 to sign up for their privacy protection program. More information about OneRep can be found here.

Professional Development Days – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em. CASE Members receive professional development days (PDD) each year. Unlike other types of leave that can rollover from year to year, your PDDs expire each fiscal year on June 30. You can check to see how much PDD time you have on the books by referring to the Leave Balances box in your CalConnect Account. Unlike other leave balances which get lower with use, the“TRNG/DEV” line item that reflects PDD use counts up with usage. If the number in the far-right box is less than 40, then you have PDD time to use.

Contracting Out for Legal Services. Is your department contracting out legal services that you would like CASE to review and challenge? When departments contract out for legal services, they are required to provide notice to CASE. However, there are times that departments fail to notify CASE. If you become aware of your department contracting out for legal services for work that should be done in-house by you and your colleagues, please let CASE know by sending an email to


MOU Suggestion Box. While we are a year away from the next round of bargaining, it’s never too soon to collect ideas for future negotiations. You have access to our MOU Suggestion Box, a place for members – and ONLY members – to contribute ideas for new or improved benefits and MOU terms at any time. We are, of course, aware of the need for the Governor to address continuing salary lags (both within the unit and between state service and local government jobs), so we are hoping to collect your ideas on non-salary MOU items. To complete a suggestion card, click here. (pw: membersmatter22).

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