October 11, 2023 Supervisory Files

Keeping you up-to-date on our work to increase your salary, improve and protect your benefits, and aggressively represent your professional interests in every forum where they are at stake.


One Open Enrollment Closes, Another Coming Soon. CalPERS Open Enrollment closes this Friday (see the item in Reminders, below). Soon, CASE will open enrollment for some of its exclusive members-only supplemental insurance policies. Watch for more information in a coming issue of CASE Files


News of interest to CASE legal professionals.


Catching Up? If you’re a recently joined CASE Member, you can catch up on past issues of CASE Files any time on the CASE Website. Just visit the CASE Files archive in the Member Center (password: membersmatter22)

CalPERS Open Enrollment Continues. Open Enrollment ends Friday October 13. The Consolidated Benefit (CoBen) received by supervisors and managers with CalPERS coverage covers 85% of premiums for the member and 80% of premiums for covered dependents. As a service to members, CASE has calculated members’ monthly out-of-pocket costs for all the plans available to active employees. You can review a chart of the 2024 CoBen amounts, plans, and fees here. For more information and to explore your 2024 health plan options, log in to your my|CalPERS account or visit the CalPERS Plans & Rates page. You can also use CalHR’s CoBen Calculator or check out on-demand information on the process from CalHR’s Open Enrollment Benefits Fair.

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